Flip Gender, Flip Ways of Seeing

Flipping images of women and men can flip our way of seeing.

This picture of Steve Carell, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert posing like female supermodels is making its way around the web:


(Is Stephen Colbert so hot because he’s not wearing glasses? Or is it that pose?)

Over at The Gender Press a “side-by-side” comparison of real Victoria’s Secret models and men posing to look like them is jarring. The women look sexy, but I’m not sure the men do. We are definitely not used to seeing men posed “sexily” in that way.


This superhero image has also gotten around:


Ready and willing, these guys may strike terror in the hearts of villains. But not for fear of getting beaten up.

The Gender Press offers another take on the theme:


No if’s, and’s or butts with these Avengers. Unless gender is switched — in Kevin Bolk’s parody.

Men come across as tough and strong, as assertive or aggressive. Or at least standing upright.

Women are more likely sitting or lying on the floor, maybe caressing themselves or an object. And if at all possible, their butts or breasts are aimed at us.

Even when women are depicted as tough, best to add sexy and stir? Even as we move outside the box, we get put back in it.

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About BroadBlogs

I have a Ph.D. from UCLA in sociology (emphasis: gender, social psych). I currently teach sociology and women's studies at Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, CA. I have also lectured at San Jose State. And I have blogged for Feminispire, Ms. Magazine, The Good Men Project and Daily Kos. Also been picked up by The Alternet.

Posted on April 24, 2013, in feminism, gender, men, objectification, psychology, sexism, women and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 57 Comments.

  1. I’ve never seen any of these images and they are a bit disconcerting to look at, probably because my mind isn’t used to seeing them, if that were the norm ( i.e. if men were posed more sexily in adverts or magazines) then perhaps this post wouldn’t be as jarring as it is, but because its not the norm, and because women are the ones who are most often sexualized and portrayed in unnatural poses, its hard to wrap my mind around the images. I do think we need more of them though, in order to break the stigma of women being portrayed as sex objects, we also need more female photographers and directors so that women aren’t always expected to look ‘sexy’ or to act ‘sexy’ and can actually be portrayed in ways that show something other than sexualization.

  2. The images in this article do a wonderful job of clearly depicting societal expectations of gender, especially the differences between women and men. I found Kevin Bolk’s parody of the Avengers especially impactful. Dolores Davison writes about learning gender in “Learning and Making Gender” and this cartoon made me think about her discussion about how what we know is what we learned growing up. The male superheroes are all strong, dominant and facing forward. The one female is turned sideways with both her butt and boobs showing. Bolk’s parody really exemplifies the affect this has because when he changes the roles the difference is startling. This article really made me think about the ideas of gender that I have established to myself and how it takes such a concerted effort to de-learn these stereotypes. Over the past few years I have begun to actively stop telling young girls that they are beautiful or cute and instead tell them that they are strong, smart, or clever.

  3. Armando Brambila

    This forum is interesting because it shows that men cannot really be “sexy” even if they tried. Well, they can, but not in the way women can be. The picture that really made me chuckle a bit and realize this was the picture with the Jackass cast. On a more serious note I do believe that it is sad that they cannot be like women. Because then this also implies the opposite that “women cannot be like men”. Even though this is not true because women do have as much power and intelligence as men, but when it comes to showing their bodies it seems really odd that a man would try and pose as a woman.

  4. FHill_Spr'17JR

    Wow looking at this article made me realize how much we are used to women in these poses. These poses are often oversexualized. For example when they flip the genders in the Avengers photo, you can see that they are showing off their butts. This is the case with many poses that involve women as they are trying to show the things that have been made as a fetish. When you compare this to the men pictures, it is a little odd to see them in those poses. I think it comes down to that we are socialize to have fetishes for men’s body parts. For example the women’s breast and butt are highly emphasized and are some people’s fetishes. However for the men, there is not really an establish fetish that the general public can agree on. I think this stems from an androcentric lens. It is because our society is seeing things through a male perspective and that is why we get these fetishes for women but not for men.

  5. I was just having a discussion about this word with my class a couple days ago and we were talking about how even though we use the word “bitch” for guys now we are thinking about it in a feminine type of way — he’s been weak. Words reflect cultural ideas, and most of us don’t reflect on what those ideas are. And the culture continues “As is” when we move unconsciously through it. But it can be difficult to see much of our taken for granted notions — because they are taken for granted. Words act like covert propaganda because it is unconscious, And hence, uncriticized. That said, it’s helpful for me to see how people speak in real life because otherwise I can’t work to bring these things to consciousness. Maybe I’ll write a blog post on this. As I’ve said before, you are a treasure trove of ideas.”

    Thank you and you’re welcome. The interesting thing is how some or many people can have negative assumptions about feminists. Probably more often confusing or seeing women who are misdandrists and putting them or grouping them as feminists which the term “feminazi” has been coined. I never had a bad view, but from here and learning more, I see how many women are feminists and feminists are and people who are feminists just want equality and not to bring men down or such. Which others might feel where feminsts want things for themselves but are competing with men or something like that. And the blame is misdirected like you said and the double standards that hurt men are not from women or women to blame, though they do get it, but from our culture.

    Granted there are some women who may be feminists who could have a chip on their shoulder and feel offended by everything or read too much into things. But what I’ve found is generally is that feminists actually seem to have more understanding and compassion to men than non feminist women. So if women or girls may think or say “this guy is acting like a bitch” lol…seems like it more often would be coming from women who are non feminist and more old school of thought. Though people aren’t immmune to it and feminists can internalize culture too and could think that. It does howerver, seem like % wise and numbers, more feminists are more likely to be more acceptiong and less critical of men going outside of their “masculine” role and be less judegmental of him and is masculinity than non feminist women.

  6. Interesting to look out this from different angles, isn’t it?”

    Yeah. But I always thought somethings were kind of silly as far as hang ups though. But yeah people just take what they know or internalize and things seem funny, but if and when you step back and thing about it. You see the sillyness in having such rules, especially like I said with something like sex with men fuck this way, women fuck like women and anything different makes a man look like “a bitch” and the woman as a man, which is weird when all it is, is just a different way of doing something. Do you think it’s silly or weird with these hang ups in like not just in general but what I’m talking about? I mean I get it and why it’s funny as I can find it funny or see the humor, but I can’t help asking “why?”. Like why is this funny? and why some unwritten rule of things being normal or should be this way?

    • A lot of humor comes out of the unexpected. You think things are going one way and they quickly shift. And it’s interesting that you use the word “Bitch” when a man is doing sucks like a woman. It’s not just that he’s acting like a woman but that he is acting in a degraded way. Gender ranking: men are ranked above women, So that when men act like women they are degrading themselves.

      • I use that word, because it’s a word many guys would “use” and even women could use if and when seeing men in a role reversed position. “That dude looks like a bitch lol” is a comment you would see. It’s weird how this trickles down to silly things or things that shouldn’t be a big deal or have strict gender roles to it. Like I get the way men walk and women walk and talk and express how that can be gender roles and look as funny when guys “walk like a woman” or talk or flamboyance. But like the sex thing there isn’t any flamboyance, but just some predisposition and thought or how the positions men to do with sex and women and how men are to “hump” compared to women and while it’s understood the reason for it, the it’s weird that it’s “so demeaning ” of a man to do something slightly different and same for women. It’s kind of silly if you step back and actually think about it.

      • I was just having a discussion about this word with my class a couple days ago and we were talking about how even though we use the word “bitch” for guys now we are thinking about it in a feminine type of way — he’s been weak. Words reflect cultural ideas, and most of us don’t reflect on what those ideas are. And the culture continues “As is” when we move unconsciously through it. But it can be difficult to see much of our taken for granted notions — because they are taken for granted. Words act like covert propaganda because it is unconscious, And hence, uncriticized. That said, it’s helpful for me to see how people speak in real life because otherwise I can’t work to bring these things to consciousness. Maybe I’ll write a blog post on this. As I’ve said before, you are a treasure trove of ideas.

  7. The movie has zac efron and anna kendrick as the actors and actress in it. So it has a fairly well know cast. It’s not them in the sex scene though.

  8. ok here’s the revised version. thanks.

    It’s interesting that I’ve come across these posts. I know I made a post in the similar one earlier, but something just so happened to come up today that or I saw that made me think of something that could be related to all this. I saw a movie recently, a comedy where the end of the movie had a sex scene. I understand it’s a comedy so if there’s a sex scene in a comedy it’s usually goofy or to have a humorous element. And even though I found the scene myself funny or atleast absurd. I mean you can find something funny but still question or wonder. I know why, but I find it interesting of why mainstream culture and society finds certain actions and behaviors. You say it’s because of men being ranked above women which yeah I get it. But I’m getting down to the different specifics of each thing.

    Like it’s one thing for cross dressing or different things to be humorous if men dress or act such way. But I always find it weird how like sex even sex is something that our society or most societies are weird in the sense of men and women are to have sex in their set ways or else it’s weird or “funny”. What I took from the fact that the sex scene was “funny” is that some reason men being in a submissive position is or can be funny. Women in a dominant position less often funny, probably because of ranking like you said, but in some instances it’s “funny” from the role the woman is playing in too and funny on her though it’s more humiliating for the guy.

    I guess because role reversal is funny therefore if it makes it’s way in a sexual enviroment in a movie it’s funny as well. It’s one thing for something like I said with sex with a man dressing like a woman and woman like a man or extreme stuff like a woman using something phallic on a man. But this sex scene was a man, not feminine or gay and regular clothes and a woman a regular woman. The only difference is she was the aggressor and role reversal in that way. She was taking it to him and he was like in “the woman’s position”. But that’s where my mind asked “why is there such a thing anyway?” Like women are to fuck or have sex a certain way and can’t stray off and same for men? What’s with these rules for something that’s supposed to be fun, intimate, pleasurable and enjoyable?

    • So I’m trying to get a visual of what you’re talking about. Do you think the reason it seems strange is because it was simply something we’re not used to seeing? And we live in a culture with a lot of rules and hang ups, So I guess that’s why sometimes it’s not so fun or enjoyable.

      • True, It’s probably because we’re not used to seeing. But that’s my point is the fact it;s something we’re not used to seeing and it’s something we’re not used to seeing because of strange hang ups.It’s because of this very fact of the way women are to do things and men and it;s one thing for that out in public or socially or competition, but it;s weird when that relates to how women and men have sex. I mean I get it obviously, but when stopping back and thinking….it’s like “why is it such a big deal, or funny or women can’t go off script and same for men?” It’s just sex, why so strict with rules there? Yeah it’s strays off to some extent in that women can dominate and men can be submissive, but it’s in “gendered ways”. It’s goofy if you really think about it with the hang ups there are and for what it’s about specifically. . I get that anatomy and such has to do with it,and why things are the usual way. But I think it;s views of how men and women do things that takes away from people thinking outside of the box or from thinking of the ways they can be intimate in different ways. It’s not going to cross your mind if that’s not the way or you see as a woman this is how you have sex and that is how men have sex.

        Yeah it is a silly scene which is why I didn’t give a visual and most likely to do with embarassment which is the problem too. Even though I talk about it, it still feels embarrassing to think this way or I feel it. I realize the scene was outlandish and the sex, so it wasn’t really specifically that so much. I mean part of it was, but more so, what it represented. Like it made me think of sex positions and such that I’ve seen that are more manageable. They are “interesting” and possibly outlandish just because of how it’s done and the roles, but not outlandish like in the movie seen I’m talkiing about as its a different position. But the problem with the movie seen being “humorous” is that it sure seems even the more realistic one’s because of the roles would, even if in a film would have to be for comedy just like the scene I’m talking about. Because even if not as wild, it still has a role reversal aspect and my mind thinking why, it is in the first place. I guarentee even something not as crazy was shown it would have to comedy because if in a serious sex scene, it would make people uncomfortable or a good amount. Or the one’s who do like or get turned on but it, are doing so on the down low because of not wanting people to know, you know to make sure it’s “socially acceptable” lol. I guess a way to say it is she was “fucking him like a man” and he was like in the “chick position” (and no, no strap on use, I know that’s the thought someone could have when seeing that, but nope). for the end of the movie and it was for comedy purposes obviously. But like I said it doesn’t have to do specifically to that, but other positions that are not as outrageous but have role reversal elements to them.

      • Interesting to look out this from different angles, isn’t it?

  9. I hope I didn’t write too much, I made sure not to go further with the post, but if it is, I’ll revise it.

  10. It’s interesting that I’ve come across these posts. I know I made a post in the similar one earlier, but something just so happened to come up today that or I saw that made me think of something that could be related to all this. I saw a movie recently, a comedy where the end of the movie had a sex scene. I understand it’s a comedy so if there’s a sex scene in a comedy it’s usually goofy or to have a humorous element. And even though I found the scene myself funny or atleast absurd. I mean you can find something funny but still question or wonder. I know why, but I find it interesting of why mainstream culture and society finds certain actions and behaviors. You say it’s because of men being ranked above women which yeah I get it. But I’m getting down to the different specifics of each thing. Like it’s one thing for cross dressing or different things to be humorous if men dress or act such way. But I always find it weird how like sex even sex is something that our society or most societies are weird in the sense of men and women are to have sex in their set ways or else it’s weird or “funny”. What I took from the fact that the sex scene was “funny” is that some reason men being in a submissive position is or can be funny. Women in a dominant position less often funny, probably because of ranking like you said, but in some instances it’s “funny” from the role the woman is playing in too and funny on her though it’s more humiliating for the guy.

    I guess because role reversal is funny therefore if it makes it’s way in a sexual enviroment in a movie it’s funny as well. It’s one thing for something like I said with sex with a man dressing like a woman and woman like a man or extreme stuff like a woman using something phallic on a man. But this sex scene was a man, not feminine or gay and regular clothes and a woman a regular woman. The only difference is she was the aggressor and role reversal in that way. She was taking it to him and he was like in “the woman’s position”. But that’s where my mind asked “why is there such a thing anyway?” Like women are to fuck or have sex a certain way and can’t stray off and same for men? What’s with these rules for something that’s supposed to be fun, intimate, pleasurable and enjoyable? It’s one thing for rules out in society, but what’s with rules in something between the sheets? I don’t understand how men or why women or society would see men as “weak” if in a subissive position or behavior during sex? Nobody is competing during sex, it’s consensual right? I mean maybe it’s understandable for a man to feel weak if he was having a competitive wrestling match with a woman and she won. Men are supposed to be stronger and wrestling though technique is something where strength plays a role.

    But sex is consensual like I said. So if there’s dominance or submission it’s not from being forced, but something you want or playing into. A man shouldn’t feel weak and society shouldn’t feel men are weak if enjoying it or liking it. So much as a man isn’t weak if he’s just messing around and play wrestling with his gf and she pins him and he let her do that right? True the sex scene is partially due to it’s unlikelyness ,but also more so I think because of it’s role reversal nature. True there have been sex scenes where it can be a regular sex scene and funny because of the dialogue and sequence in a comedy film. Though it’s because it’s set up that way, but the position or sex scene would easily be enjoyed or not criticized if in a serious love making scene. Whereas, a woman dominant and man submissive often seems like it can only be set for a humorous sex scene, because if in a serious role, it would seem to make people uncomfortable instead of seeing it as normal or enjoyable or it it did turn them on or liked it. they did so in a “low key” sense. As in not letting on so that others know they kind of like it or else it would make them feel embarassed and not want to be judged. And that’s exactly my point.

  11. I loved reading this article. In my time of casually scrolling through Facebook, I have seen a few of these photos. What is interesting to me, they were shown as a ‘joke’ not so much a thought-provoking social statement. These images put the way in which women are presented in not only photographs but also film and TV into perspective. I think you put it best by saying, “Even when women are depicted as tough, best to add sexy and stir? Even as we move outside the box, we get put back in it.” That’s exactly the problem, we keep taking two steps forward and somehow three back! We finally see a strong female lead in a major picture but guess what? Her breasts are hanging out and her clothes look as if they’ve been painted on. How is it that the head honchos of major studios can’t stand to present a female lead for her talents rather than her sex appeal? The ideal that women are only worth what their “sex appeal” is worth has tainted women’s lives across the world.

  12. Our society has sexualized female’s body for so long that when men make those poses, it looks very unnatural. I think the main reason cause that was the androcentrism has been established under the patriarchy system. We commonly use female’s body as a sex object. For example, boxing game has ring girls, automotive sport has race girls, gaming industry now days uses a lot of female models in their commercial to advertise.
    However, I think due to the reason that our society has empowered the women so much for the past decades that there’re industries also started using male’s body as objective as well. For example, Abercrombie and Fitch commonly use male’s body to present their brand.

    • Well, empowered and disempowered women — when women see all these “Perfect” models they can feel pretty disempowered And low in self esteem. Now men are starting to have similar problems — including eating disorders. But not as much as women sinse we aren’t nearly as bombarded by these kinds of male images.

  13. Those pictures are so hilarious, and it also makes me think a lot about gender ranking.
    Although we expect girls to be girly, we are more generous to a tomboy and a sissy. If a female model takes a pose with wearing black suit and short hair, it often looks more interesting and fascinating. On the other hand, if a male model takes a “girly” pose, it looks hilarious. I think “girly” behaviors and preference is strictly limited to girls.

  14. Society has made it where over sexualizing women is normal and doesn’t cause much stir. However when the roles are reversed it’s strange to see men in the same exact poses. One is considered sexy and hot, where the other may be awkward or even gross. When you look at movie posters of men they look strong and powerful, but when you look at a movie poster with a woman on it it is almost guaranteed that she will have at least her breasts, butt, showing a lot of skin, or a combination of all three. Whether the women are on the movie screen or in a magazine you can make a fairly safe bet that the women will be shown in a far sexier manner than the men. Once again if the roles were switched the sight may cause discomfort and people may complain. People are so used to the sight of naked women and almost expect it. Men can be powerful fully dressed, but women usually need to be showing a little skin to receive attention.

  15. It’s really interesting to see such strong contrast between sexualization of males and females. It’s weird. And I agree with you that “Even as we move outside the box, we get put back in it”. Indeed, women are sexualized by media, and sometimes things are overdone, which suggests a vulnerable or even negative impression of female. We try to make things equal, and find it’s really hard for male to flip gender and do feminine actions. However, I saw a short video on line about how a sexy blond women cuts her long hair and has it dyed black, removes all her make-up, reveals her tattooing, tightly wreathes the breasts and dresses and acts herself like a man, which took only a few minutes and most people leave comments expressing how hot and good-looking the girl is after her change without any discomfort. Then I would imagine what if a man does all the things and dresses himself femininely, what comments would be left then? I am not sure whether there would be as many praises as under the female one. In my opinion, the sexy image of females are not too bad as long as women are presented independently and not targeted as affiliation of males.

  16. I never truly realized how different sexes pose in photos. It is true you never see guys pose in pictures in sexual poses. They are always showed as being strong , and always wanting revenge. In movies and even games men always need to save a damsel in distress. Women are also always shows as being in need of help. In movies, games, and in pictures are seen as objects. In all of these they are seen as feeble, poorly clothed, and in pictures poorly clothed and in sexual stances.
    When I seen these pictures of the men posing as the women were, it was almost comical. Which I believe a lot of others would agree. Maybe If they started showing women in more strong stances in movies and pictures, even games. The next generation might change their perspective on women in the future. If we let this king of stuff continue than, it will not go away.

  17. Your ideas about gender flip are interesting to me because I notice these things when watching shows and movies and often mention to my husband when I see women or men being portrayed stereotypically. The Gender Press rendition of the Avengers really hits the nail on the head for me; why do powerful women need to be portrayed as sexy: very often highlighting their curves, their pouty lips or soft wavy hair, while men are “allowed” to be dirty, tough, rough, strong, as well as capable? Big question. It becomes powerful if we take a different viewpoint. I see the male side of gender stereotyping as well. The Avengers men are portrayed as strong, powerful, and capable. They are often portrayed in the film as having answers and not having feelings. As we know this is not true to life, men feel and they don’t always have answers, they don’t always feel powerful on the inside. So men are not accurately depicted either. Women are “sexy” and men are “strong”; this is the hard edge that I work to break down in my own life, by breaking down stereotypical norms when I see them, whether on TV or around me. Beyond just taking notice, which I find freeing, also looking for ways to take action. The Gender Press supermodel photos are an example of taking action. They allow others to visually see and feel the difference in how we see men and women. We aren’t used to seeing the soft curve of a man’s arm or a group of men nestled together—arms touching arms, legs touching legs, heads tilted in towards one another. To be honest, this is usually what we expect of feminine behavior not masculine. It makes me wonder how it came to be that society determined that human beings—which are made of both masculine and feminine qualities—have only one set of those qualities, and that set should only be ones that are predefined for us. Interesting topic indeed and I am enjoying hearing others viewpoints in the comments as well.

    • “It makes me wonder how it came to be that society determined that human beings—which are made of both masculine and feminine qualities—have only one set of those qualities, and that set should only be ones that are predefined for us.”

      That’s a good question, and we can only guess at it. I’ll have to write on some theories, sometime.

  18. I completely agree with the last sentence which states “even as we leave the box we get put back in”. I feel that I have surpassed the norm and finally come up with my head above water and ultimately get let down because I am a female. In my field of work I am very good at what I do. My technical expertiese excells that of some males with multiple certifications. Yet even though I have 20+ years of experience I am constantly met with doubt and rejection. How could I ever know anything technical, I am a girl. There have been times that just at the sound of my voice, the caller insisted on being helped by a male and refused for me to troubleshoot his problem. There have been countless amounts of times that guys with certifications have gone in to solve a problem, only to come to me for further help, and at the end I am the one to solve it. But they never give me credit, or come to me as a resource. Its the male ego that won’t let a woman succeed. If we are smarter in even one meaningless area of life, they feel as if their whole world comes crashing down around them so they must retaliate by putting a woman down, not giving her credit, tricking, humiliating, making them feel less of a person in one way or another.
    Its a mans world…..

  19. Peter Pagrefor

    I found your post about “flip gender”.

    So I post this video here where it should be.
    Flip gender roles at the bar

  20. Author Jim Hines does a lot of this. He recreates book covers, with himself in the usually female pose, often for charity. http://www.jimchines.com/2012/12/cover-posing-for-a-good-cause/

    Someone also took the two covers of Survivor’s Quest (A Star Wars novel) and switched Luke and Mara’s heads.

  21. Like many of the other commenters on this post, the fact that the males are in typical sexualized “feminine” poses also strikes me as silly. And this raises a question: Why? Why is it so normal to see females in these poses, and not males? Why are poses designated as right or wrong, fitting or unfitting, for a certain gender? The fact is that in America, we’re just used to it. Initially, there are no inherent appropriate ways for men and women to be; these “laws” we have are all culturally constructed. The images of the males in this post strikes us humorously because througout our lives, American culture has not shown us that this is “normal” or “desirable” behavior for men. Females are usually degraded to these kind of sexualized poses in media and advertisements (which have a strong basis in this society), and so the female images strike us as more normal, because it has become normalized all around us. But I think these images shown side by side are wonderful because it makes you realize these poses are ridiculous and we should wonder why they are strictly limited for women.

  22. After looking at these pictures of the models and the men who were imitating their body positions, I couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous those guys looked. The women looked “normal”, yes, but at the same time whenever I see ads or commercials where women are posed in a way that resembles this I think to myself that I never see anyone in real life posing this way, and I certainly don’t see too many people who look like that either.
    It looks unnatural for a man to pose the way that women in these ads do only because we have been exposed to these types of advertisements and such since it all began. It seems to me that in advertising women are used to show either an overly girly, feminine side or a side with tons of provocative sex appeal. And as stated in the blog post, when a woman is shown as a superhero or with a tough, “boyish” edge, there still has to be some element of sex appeal present, as if being tough isn’t sexy for a woman.

  23. Mikaela Hansen

    These are great pictures and definitely makes you think! It is strange to think that for one gender (women) these pictures are normal and ones you see in the media every day. They are considered sexy and beautiful. However, for the other gender (male), the effect is the complete opposite. It is really weird and more uncomfortable to see men in the same poses in the women were doing. I’m thinking that this is a learned social norm, that over time, we have learned that posing in such a way is deemed for females only. What if from the very beginning men were posing in that womanly way? Would it be considered normal today?

  24. Taylor Thompson

    I think these images are especially interesting considering my first initial reaction was that the men in these roles looked ridiculous, but the women seemed to look normal to me. This is most likely due to the fact that in our culture and society, women are the ones that typically become sexualized objects, but men are not. I also find it interesting that in the first image, the picture is composed of male comedians. The purpose of it is to make us laugh because it’s so ridiculous. And I think to most people it is, just because we’re not accustomed to men being treated in that sexualized way.

  25. We do have provocative poses for men, though: Shirt open, slouched back, fingers laced into a waistband, eyes half closed, maybe an expression of slight boredom or disinterest. It’s not the same as a sexy pose for women, but it exists.

    When you put a woman in the same pose, it looks… well, silly. Nowhere near as silly as when you put men in a “sexy” pose for women, I’ll grant, and there’s definitely indication of strong gender differences there, but it’s still startling. Part of the difference lies in what parts of the body – male and female – we perceive as “sexy.” Men don’t sexualize breasts, for example, as much as physique and maybe muscle definition.

    One part I’ll agree on wholeheartedly is that American comics are obnoxiously sexist. I mean, I like playing devil’s advocate, but even I know when to give up.

    Although I did chuckle at the hulk’s booty shot. That was funny.

    • Well, poses for men are sexy but not that provocative. And they aren’t nearly AS “sexy.” And as a culture we haven’t come to fetishize any part of the male body. Again, way less sexy. Also, women have “sexy” muscle definition in their legs, for example, too. But muscle definition is not fetishized on either sex.

  26. It really is amazing how we have become desensitized to the sexualization of women in main stream media.It is funny to see the men posing for their photos how women would normally do it and how different the message becomes. We have become quick to judge the picture as “different” or “not as appealing” in comparison to the picture with the women posing. Recently, in the world of mixed martial arts, a woman named Rhonda Rousey, has been recently signed to a contract with the UFC. She is one tough chic and is hands down, an amazing fighter. I enjoy that the UFC does not portray her with sex appeal. She is beautiful by the way, but I believe other than her natural beauty, they depict her as being tough and hard core as any other man fighting for them.

  27. It’s fascinating that we look at the photos of the women and most people think “sexy pose” and when looking at the men most people think goofy pose.

    We look at the provocative nature of the poses and immediately see that the women display what we call gender appropriate behavior but immediately we judge the parody picture of men modeling as “odd” or “unusual”.

    Its interesting that the default acceptance for modeling women is half naked and vulnerable looking yet when men model in the nude they take a position of power with a shot focusing on a strong jaw and a shot taken from low as to express towering power.

    As far as similarities go- yes… the shot is similar, but the intention or message behind the shot has a million implications of differences.

  28. Hahaha this is incredible! I love the photo impressions!

  29. Great visuals. We could add photos of Angelina posing as Laura Croft and Anne Hathaway stretching her legs as Cat Woman to illustrate your last point about how tough women still have to show T&A.
    I’m wondering if the contrast in the Victory Secrets photo has to do with male fantasies of girl on girl and homophobia.
    I also noticed how Scarlet Johansson is even more sexualized in the original Avengers poster than she is in the spoof–maybe intentionally.

  30. GAK! This is a riot. Thanks. VERY revealing. Alice

  31. Rohan 7 Things

    Haha, thanks for sharing, I’ve seen the avengers one before, love it 🙂


  32. These pictures are amusing–and thought-provoking. It’s interesting that we think those poses are sexy for women (looking vulnerable, confused, distracted).

  33. Wow. Interesting to see how easily socialized we are to the sexualization of women in media. Looks “normal” when it is a group shot of women, and just plain odd when it is a group of guys in the same pose.

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