Making Peace With My Big Boobs

Actress, Christina Hendricks

The well-endowed actress, Christina Hendricks

I thought that with cleavage came power. But as my cleavage amassed, I found the opposite to be true. My ample cups seemed to hint at certain unpleasant possibilities. Like, maybe I was dumb. Maybe I was slutty. Maybe I liked it when people gawked at my breasts, and when the guy driving that van rolled down the window to say “nice tits, love” as I walked past in my school uniform.


That’s from Chloe Pantazi who wrote a piece for Salon entitled, “My boobs, my burden.”

Why would a woman endowed with big boobs ever need to make peace with them? Many are surely pleased as punch. And yet I’ve come across a few essays that talk of struggle. Maybe their stories can help others who are grappling with the same issue. And maybe the smaller-busted can see that the grass isn’t always greener.

For instance, Chloe had a friend, Leah, who became so desperate that she got a breast reduction. As Chloe describes it:

Having large breasts “became too stressful,” (Leah) said. “I couldn’t buy clothes that fit; I couldn’t buy a bathing suit; I got attention that I didn’t want.” Some of that attention came from high school boys. One of them, asked by Leah’s friend why he liked her, said, “I don’t know, she’s got big tits.” But unwelcome attention came from women, too, who “just felt like they could comment about it,” she said.

… Before her reduction, she felt that her breasts were her “defining feature.” Now, she says, “they look like a regular part of me.

Or “The Preppy Panda” began wearing a bra by third grade:

It was terrible. Grown men were looking down my shirt when I was 11 years old. I was a C cup by sixth grade and a DD by the time I entered high school. The girls in the locker room, with their little boobs and cute bras, filled me with envy.

I entered adulthood with the understanding that my chest was abnormally, unattractively, and disfunctionally large.

Diahann Reyes @ Stories From the Belly blamed her breasts for adding weight to her body: “I so wanted to be skinny, not curvy.”

When you have larger breasts, people — both known and unknown — think they can comment. Her boy cousins mercilessly teased her as the “Boobsie Queen.” And in middle school, a boy called out, “Watch those boobs bounce!”

I stopped, then slowed my pace to a walk—unsure whether I’d done something to elicit this attention and feeling like it was in part my chest’s fault.

Then there are the sporadic “feel-ups” that happen anywhere, like a video arcade where a guy may get too close, brushing a hand against her chest. Or a doctor whose eyes graze her body when a nurse momentarily walks out.

Boys thought she was “experienced” even though she’d never been kissed.

My date, whom I’d asked to a Sadie Hawkins Dance, stayed a polite arm’s length away from me all night, later explaining, “Girls like you probably want more than I’m ready to give.” I’d just been hoping that maybe he would hold my hand.

As women age big breasts lose their “perkiness” and remarks shift, she says: “Ever thought of a breast lift?” Or, “You must be wearing a push-up bra!”

Meanwhile, Katie Racine and Kirstie Renae over at Literally, Darling talk of their troubles.

Oh yeah, you can fill out a sweater like it’s nobody’s business, and you certainly get male eyes on you, but…

As their breasts grew, they “exploded stretch marks over bean-bag boobs that hurt if you even looked at them.” Your back hurts. It’s hard to exercise. And then there are posture issues.

Jenna Jamison

Jenna Jamison

And it can be hard to feel sexy when your boobs are so heavy that they don’t look that great without a bra:

Celebrities and porn stars post-plastic surgery have created the illusion that big boobs are perfectly round and stand up on their own. Gravity doesn’t exist and nipples are perfectly even. Not true. Even at a young age, the giant girls sag from the sheer weight and flip-flop about in pretty much the least sexy way possible.

Or, when guys act interested the well-endowed wonder if they like them, or just their chests.

But less endowed girls don’t know that and glare daggers or slut-shame or dumb-shame girls with bigger chests.

Katie and Kirstie have this advice for the envious:

So, the next time you think us ladies who have been blessed (or cursed) with G-cup breasts need to realize how lucky we are, remember that we are just as insecure with ourselves as women who only need a camisole. We carry our own (very heavy) insecurities every day, too.

Making peace with big boobs

So how do the well-endowed make peace with their bodies? Katie and Kirstie use humor.

You either hide behind giant clothing and pretend your breasts aren’t the first thing anyone sees, or you learn to break the ice, make the first joke and just acknowledge the elephant(s) in the room. Because if you don’t, someone else will.

The Preppy Panda found peace when she realized a G cup doesn’t look so different from a C. Her blog links to a site that asks you to guess the cup sizes of various women in bras. It’s actually hard to guess. Now she says,

My boobs look fine! They don’t look like they are consuming me. They don’t look pornographic. They don’t make me look middle-aged. Most of what I have spent my life believing about them wasn’t even true.

So what had me tricked? Well, two things. The first is that I developed at an age when other girls either had no boobs or small boobs so I began to define them as being, “way bigger than everyone else’s.” However, as a full grown woman with full grown peers, everyone else has really began to catch up to me.

Diahann Reyes, Stories From the Belly

Diahann Reyes, Stories From the Belly

Diahann Reyes chose to sit in front of a mirror and really see her breasts. And she finally began to see them as just “herself.” Among her thoughts and observations:

Is that a mole right there? I wonder if my boobs resemble my grandmother’s? Thank goodness they are healthy!  I think I love them.

She adds,

It was as if by seeing them directly, rather than through the filter of someone else’s gaze or perception, I was able to have my own experience of my boobs that was outside the construct of objectification that they had been imprisoned in for so long.

These are my breasts—they are not sex objects that happen to be attached to my body. They are part of my body, part of me.

Wise advice for us all.

Coming soon: Making Peace With My Small Boobs

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About BroadBlogs

I have a Ph.D. from UCLA in sociology (emphasis: gender, social psych). I currently teach sociology and women's studies at Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, CA. I have also lectured at San Jose State. And I have blogged for Feminispire, Ms. Magazine, The Good Men Project and Daily Kos. Also been picked up by The Alternet.

Posted on May 27, 2015, in body image, objectification, psychology, sex and sexuality, women and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 56 Comments.

  1. This topic resonates with me unfortunately well. Each year in school I grew a cup size. By the end of high school, I was a G cup. At the same time, I was rather slim and so the proportions looked odd. I sit at a 30G currently at 5’5. I know it’s the first thing that people notice about me, even if they don’t mention it. Since 5th grade when puberty began, I’ve hated them. I could never buy cute bras at Victoria’s Secret (by the time I was 14 I was DD and they didn’t have my size; any earlier I would have felt out of place buying at the store when so young) and had to spend $60 on one bra. I’ve considered breast reduction surgery, but I don’t want the scars. At the same time, I’ve had people ask me in high school if I had a breast job, at the age of 15. I can either hide my body and wear baggy clothing, or wear fitting clothing and get scathing remarks by men and women (mostly women, unfortunately).

    I’ve had a lot of years to think about how I’m perceived by others, and unfortunately I haven’t managed to feel comfortable with myself yet. I still tend to cover up, as even wearing a tank top makes me feel like everyone is staring. In 90 degree weather, it’s a bit of a pain. I hope at some point I’ll come to terms with my body and feel more at ease.

  2. Growing up I had a best friend who was flat chested, and during the 7th grade summer, puberty blessed her with almost double D boobs and she became like the most popular girl in school the next year in 8th grade. Its funny because she would flaunt them to all the guys but in private she would complain about how heavy they were and how they looked sometimes, and how she was getting stretch marks. Big breasted women do have a different “power” to men and tend to get way more attention. I love how in this article they talked about the different perspectives, how a woman feels, how a man feels, and how society feels about big breasts. I am a medium sized breasted woman and I feel that if you just accept and love your body the way it is, than you will never have a problem with your confidence, especially with your breasts. Love and embrace yourself, and that is what all woman need to learn! It doesn’t matter about the size of your breasts, being confident and loving yourself is more sexy than anything ever could be!

  3. Not only did you think to include me, but you even included a picture of my girl crush, Christina Hendricks. Thanks!

  4. This article was very relevant to me. My friends and I were just discussing this today. I have a close group of 4 friends. Two of us (me included) have larger breasts and two of us have small breasts. We were shopping and they were buying a super cute shirt for summer that had a low back and thin straps. I said it was perfect for one of my friends because she can get away without wearing a bra, because she has small breasts. She began to explain that it wasn’t weird going without a bra. I told her that as someone with a D cup, no bra is not an option. She didn’t fully understand why. The grass is always greener on the other side, even when we see the disadvantage that other people see in their cases. I agree with the early sexualization, just because a girl has breasts. At a young age, I had to start being aware of my breasts, make sure I didn’t show too much, make sure I had the right bra, etc. It is hard to be a seventh grader and have to conscious of how much cleavage you are showing and not fully understanding that the reason for your self conscience is societies over sexualization of the female body. I didn’t know why I had to be so focused on covering up, but now I see that even at that young of an age, I knew the stigma that came with being a woman and having a woman’s body, even if I couldn’t recognize that specifically.

  5. So much of this resonated with me! Thanks!

  6. Stephanie Arevalo

    I found this article to be pretty interesting. I liked how I was able to see both sides of what people think. I always thought that big boobs would be good to have, but then I realized that depending on what shirt you wear it can make you look bigger than what you really are, and that is never fun. I can see how people who do have even bigger boobs can feel bad about them because they can feel like that is all what people see. I think that boobs either big or small shouldn’t define people and can both be pretty or sexy.

  7. I totally understand where all of these women were coming from, especially Preppy Panda. I myself was in 2nd grade when I got my first bra and I felt like I was somehow on display. By the time I was 10, I started to notice my uncle’s friends staring a little too long. There is nothing sexy or sexual about a 10 or 11 year old having breasts and needing a bra for them but somehow, older men managed to sexualize it, despite our ages. I thought I was the only one who felt weirded out as child and teenager getting the extra attention bigger breasts get you, but it’s nice to know I was not alone in my discomfort. The way we view ourselves definitely gets negatively skewed in early adulthood and it’s nice to get to that acceptance of all of self as time passes. Congrats ladies!

  8. Zoe Von Dollen

    As someone who developed larger breasts rather quickly, I witnessed the changes first-hand. Not only the change in attention from others, but also the change in the way I felt about myself. I could no longer wear cute or pretty bras, and even when I found some, they never looked quite right as they had when I was smaller. I couldn’t find any swimsuits that would consistently cover my breasts, as one small movement would cause everything to spill out. I could not understand why anyone would want to have the problems I was having, and I felt that my breasts didn’t look the way they should. They sagged and weren’t as perky as those I had seen on TV or in the media. But I was slowly able to come around to what I was given and make the best of them. It simply took ignoring the standards society had made me believe were perfect and embracing my body the way it was.

  9. I feel that the obsession with boobs in this country is really unfortunate. I began to understand that my boobs had societal importance in middle school when people started commenting on how small chested I was. I still remember a classmate in 7th grade telling me not to worry because they would grow someday. Was I supposed to care? They never did, but I actually don’t mind at all because, as this article discusses, a person can never really win with the “boob” issue. They’re either too small, too big, not perky enough, or uneven. The emphasis on boobs as “sexual objects” is demeaning, and unjustified because no woman has genetic control over what size her boobs will grow to be. Especially for girls going through puberty, which is already such a sensitive time, it is burdensome to know that the way their body changes can determine their “worth” or the way society will look at them for the rest of their lives. One of my friends told me recently that she thought I was lucky to have small boobs because I wasn’t automatically considered “slutty” or glared at by other girls. This made me sad because it conveyed to me that she felt like a walking sex object just going about her day in her own skin.

  10. Nathalie Waldenryd

    This article talks about big boobs and I have a lot of experience unfortunately with is since i have a bad posture, stretch mark , hurts sometimes when I exercise and even walking in stairs sometimes. I have been thinking about reducing my boobs at multiple times. Even though there are some benefits from it, like myth busters made a video about how bigger boobs actually got more tip. It showed that men tipped 30% more and women 40%more if a girl had D cup compared to a C cup. But there personally I do not think that having bigger boobs should be something people look up too, since there are so many issues with having it. I know about some people want my boobs and I would gladly give them mine. Also unfortunately in the gaming industry a lot of females play on the show boobs card to get attention, and personally it makes other females getting hate or even getting comments as “boobs or gtfo” which I think is just hurting the industry among females, which is sad.

  11. Annie Trevisan

    Being a large busted woman myself, this issue strikes a chord with me. I developed large breasts at a young age, having a DDD sized cup by the age of thirteen. Until a couple years ago, I tried desperately to hide them, downplay them, and even begged my mom for a breast reduction, so I too needed to make peace with them. I definitely feel there is a certain stigma or connotation connected with large breasts. Many people along the years have made comments on them, telling me I looked like a slut or too sexy or dumb or trying too hard. Whenever people talk to me about their first impressions of me they ALWAYS tell me, “all I remember was that you were the girl with the big boobs.” It can be hurtful, but what I have learned is that I need to accept my body and not try to change the way I dress or my physical appearance in order to make others feel comfortable. I’ve learned it’s actually quite ridiculous that girls don’t like me because of my boobs or guys think I’m “easy” or people won’t take me seriously or believe I am smart. I embrace my body for what it is and I am proud of it. Big boobs are not a problem, or a blessing, or a curse, or whatever society chooses to say about them. My big boobs are a part of my body and I like them because I like my body.

  12. As a girl with DD’s who developed pretty early, I can relate to pretty much everything mentioned in this article. Especially troubling is the fact that many people seem to think large breasts are somehow public property. From family members to acquaintances to perfect strangers, I’ve had my breasts commented on and even touched without my permission more times than I can count. I think this ties in to the breast fetish that our culture seems to have. Some are envious of my large breasts, while others suggest getting a reduction or a lift. But no matter what, people always seem to think they have a right to be nosy about my breasts.

    While our culture seems to value large breasts, they are also a source of shame. In 8th grade, a friend and I were wearing the exact same top to a school dance, but since my breasts were bigger, I was told to change because it was “too provocative”. I was 13 years old- why were my breasts being sexualized? This speaks to a problem in the way our culture views breasts and the female body as a whole. But over the years, I have also learned to make peace with my breasts. Though they can be a source of shame and even a physical pain at times, they are a part of my and I wouldn’t trade them in.

  13. My best friend growing up was an early bloomer, sporting DD’s by the time we were in eighth grade. I was a late bloomer, but even still, I have always had B cups at most. We would laugh about the different treatment we would receive from strangers, because there differences were THAT noticeable even at that age. When boys our age or sometimes older addressed us, there eyes would linger on my friends breasts while she spoke while the same ones were able to maintain eye contact with me. People we didn’t know, girls mostly, tended to think my friend was sluttier than me because of her boobs and the attention she received while boys and girls are tended to think that I was shy and inexperienced. Our personalities are nearly identical, we even look similar up until one difference: cup size. So it was often no question what was behind these stereotypes for us at least.

  14. Serina barrera

    It’s unfair that no matter the body image it’s a lose lose situation for women. We have small breast then we get teased for being a flat chested we are endowed then it’s an automatic “look at me I’m huge and you don’t have to make it not obvious that your staring at me” we get told to embraced our body image but when females are constantly being objectified leaving them unsatified with they’re image either way it’s a situation where there is no positive outlook on the body image from the medias perspective. Women need to be more impowering towards one another instead of attack each other because of they’re envious ways or using the opposite image as a diversion. Embrace your image despite the objectification and opinions.

  15. The size of the breast of a girl can be double bind to her. On one hand, having a large breast certainly attractive attention from other. For males, huge breasts often lead to sexual arousing, which indeed causes several unwanted circumstances from women. People would likely to think in term of stereotype. On the other hand, other girls might feel jealous and malicious. In addition, large breast can also be a physical burden. It causes pain and inconvenience. As a male, people should not actively trigger the attention on the women who have large breast. However, it is still interesting that a large portion of women are not satisfy of their size. Over the past years, the number of breast implants surgery has increase gradually. The psychological dilemma seems intriguing.

  16. I believe the media is constantly trying to tell us that we are somehow physically imperfect so then they can try to sell us something to “fix” ourselves. Women with curly hair want straight and visa versa. Women with big boobs want small ones so bras are more comfortable and there is less attention and women with small boobs want bigger ones because that is what is seen as sexually favorable. As a teen developing, I had friends that grew a bit faster. At the time it seemed like getting boobs so the popular thing to get because it meant you were a woman and guys would be into you. I remember feeling sensitive of my breast size when one of my friends says “You can have my old A cups, I am a B now”. By the time I finished high school I was a C sometimes D cup. Sure this got me more attention but not in the way that I liked. I would notice the girls with smaller boobs could wear a bandeau instead of a bra or really low cut shirts and not be seen as sexually enticing. Now I have come to terms with my breast size but it was just interesting that ultimately it all does not matter. Part of media’s script to us is that we need to change ourselves to be beautiful. I try not to listen to it.

  17. As a girl who is well endowed I have felt insecurities too. I wasn’t ashamed to be well endowed. I was rather ashamed I wasn’t. I remember back in sixth grade, I was a late bloomer. My grandma lives in a court where a girl my age also lives. Her and her best friend at the time asked me to hang out one day. As many middle schoolers are, we were curious about our bodies. They went on to explain how they are a size or two bigger than I was and how all the boys gave them all this attention for it. That made me insecure about my body. My mom figured this out and told me that my time hasn’t come yet. She was definitely right. My time did come, and with great pleasure, I didn’t get as much attention for them as the others girls did. Looking back at those times, I am happy with the way I developed. Im glad I didn’t get the attention. That would have made me very uncomfortable with my appearance. It was a blessing in disguise.

  18. When it comes to woman and big boobs I have a lot of experience because I personally have big boobs. This article talks about how when you have big boobs there are a lot of bad things like stretch marks, not being able to exercise, having poor posture and getting unwanted attention. When it comes to me I have problems with all these and I agree that having big boobs is a big pain. The stuff I want to do like where a bikini I can’t because if I do then guys look at my boobs and not my face. Also if I want to work out I have to worry about my boobs not jumping around when I’m jogging. This article brings up a lot of issues that I agree on like the unwanted attention that I get from man.

  19. Courtney Nahmens

    Being in a community of people who make and wear costumes, I’ve seen all kinds of increasing and downsizing methods for breasts. As a person who has a clearly noticeable chest, I slouch and bind constantly to try and take attention away from the breasts that I personally don’t enjoy. Binding is fairly common amongst larger chested females from tight sports bras to compression shirts but recently I’ve seen a lot of desperation involving using ace bandages and that’s not a good thing. Bandages apply uneven pressure and can even break a rib or cause damage to your lungs. Even compression shirts can push water into your lungs if you leave them on beyond the eight hour mark. Binding can be dangerous but it’s great for peace of mind. Breast reduction is becoming a safer procedure but it still leaves fairly noticeable scars and comes with its own ridicule from men and women who question your reasons. I understand the sentiment of wanting to downsize and if you’re going to do it, consider your own health and comfort above all else!

  20. I agree! I have had a similar situation. Growing up my boobs were always bigger than everyone else’s. In middle school I was humiliated by them. I would wear tight sports bras to hold them down hoping no one would notice. I remember a rumor going around the school saying that I got a boob job in 8th grade so that boys would like me. Instantly I was labeled a huge slut for no reason. I wore clothes that hid them and I had barley kissed a boy at the point. but that didn’t stop them from spreading the nasty rumors. Eventually when everyone caught up with me and I wasn’t as ashamed anymore. Its still a huge issue though. I have had many situations where I been unnecessarily sexualized because of my boobs. I have seen many people who actually talk to my boobs. You know the saying ” my eyes are up here” well I had that happen to me many times. Its ridiculous. we should be able to love and embrace ourselves without having to worry about being sexualized.

  21. I think one has to know there is a time and place for gawking/glancing at breasts– and to read in this article that a doctor would gawk at their large-chested patient is definitely the wrong time and place. Also, I liked the linked article to Preppy Panda. In that article it stated how there is a “middle ground” for what society states as ‘perfect/normal” breasts (B and C cups), and anything outside of that is either “little boy” or “sexy/porn star” level. That kind of rationale by society is preposterous, we can not make assumptions about people because of one aspect of their body.

  22. Torena Joseph

    I agree. For so long, I have dealt with a lot of what these women with big breasts have. I thought that men would want and respect that but what I have found is that it truly causes more problems. Men judge women for their body, whether they have breast or not The bigger the breast does not necessarily mean the greater the respect, sometimes it just means that it captures attention that is not always positive. We aspire to be attractive beings to the opposite and same sex whether we realize it or not. Breast equaling power is very sexist to an extent because it is like men saying their penis size means more …or less power. Using body parts other than our minds to warrant and request respect will always disappoint those seeking that respect. Bigger breast is just that..bigger breast. Our minds and our ability to be successful in life is much greater than a body part that can be deflated or inflated for a few hundred dollars.

  23. Peter Schmetz

    I find it kind of sad that women are often judged simply by their boobs or even their butt. Pornstars or celebrities like Kim Kardashian for example are setting a wrong example making people believe the way they look is totally normal and natural. But in reality they are just sex objects surely loved by a lot of men but never respected for the person they actually are. It is said that girls who are lucky or unlucky to have big boobs are almost seen like pornstars only judged by a part of their bodies. I personally like big boobs but I would never hang out with a woman just because she has nice big breasts. There are so much more important things to me such as personality or fitness for example. We need to change the way the media is favoring looks before anything else. If we are not able to do so, future generations will be even more focused on body shape instead of seeing the personality which belongs to the body.

  24. It must be very difficult to try and hide a DD or G chest size with loose clothing, and even frustrating. Growing up, and being small chested, I was always insecure and bummed that I didn’t have a a decent size chest. However, now in my mid 20’s and hearing many stories from women with larger breasts, I realize I shouldn’t complain.It is sad to hear that these women can’t even exercise without being called a insulting name, or being looked at by men and women because of their breasts bouncing, which they can’t control. In my family, many of the women have larger breasts, and I was always one to envy them since I was small chested. Recently, one of my cousins told me she was getting a breast reduction. At first, I didn’t understand why, but she told me she had the worst back pains that made sleeping at night unbearable, and she couldn’t even do normal daily routines. I never knew large breasts could be such a problem. Many women want large breasts because they seem more appealing in clothing, and it seems to be a confidence booster. However, it can also cause many insecurities, and make women not like their appearance. It is disappointing that people make judgments towards a woman with large breasts, but don’t understand her struggle. They also go through insecurities, and when people are pointing and staring at her like she is abnormal , it will only make her feel more unsure about herself. I really love how Diahaan Reyes looked at her breasts in the mirror and started to appreciate them. We all come in different shapes and sizes, and we should be able to love ourselves the way we are, instead of having others reaffirming our worth for us.

  25. Thanks for including me in this insightful round up. It was interesting reading the other womens’ perspectives. I feel like a woman’s relationship to her breasts can definitely evolve, just like their shape. I know I’m still shedding my own conditioning around my breasts and what they mean/or don’t– layer by layer, lots to unpeel. I do love that I don’t objectify them anymore.

    • Well thanks so much for your wonderful blog with great stories like this! I have found a number of stories on the topic and just gathered them altogether. I think you would be surprising reading for a lot of people.

  26. “Celebrities and porn stars post-plastic surgery have created the illusion that big boobs are perfectly round and stand up on their own. Gravity doesn’t exist and nipples are perfectly even. Not true. Even at a young age, the giant girls sag from the sheer weight and flip-flop about in pretty much the least sexy way possible.”

    This is great advice because I think it’s something that women seem to forget. This is the ugly truth but still many women want to achieve breasts that look like a barbie doll. Although, I do believe that women should do whatever they want to their breasts if it makes them more confident. Making peace with your breast size is a growing process that I personally am trying to achieve by appreciating having big boobs. I try to see it as a blessing, but since they are constantly changing and there are certain clothes that I can’t wear at times it can be difficult and smaller breasts seem more appealing. We can’t win either way so we must learn to accept and embrace them.

  27. Like previously stated, no matter what a girl or women looks like, they get teased or talked about. I remember friends i grew up with would get teased for being to skinny. Although one of my friends was beautiful, people thought she was stuck up. Growing up curvy, i was looked at teased and talked about. Even in the 6th grade a boy punched me in the but and i asked him why he said it was big. I chased him around the play ground all recess. I do understand about having big breast because after i had my daughter, my breast grew and it became hard to shop for bras and hard to exercise without wearing my regular bra and a sports bra. For some reason people do seem to feel intimidated by a woman with big breast. This is my opinion. I received a lot of unwanted attention. When i was 16, I had my first boyfriend and he treated me more like a trophy on his arm than an actual person. it can definitely be tough especially when you are young and don’t understand. We should always have a strength within ourselves and love ourselves for more then our appearance. I see myself as the decisions I make and the person i am altogether with big butt hips and breasts.

  28. I guess that women with small boobs are unhappy and women with big boobs are unhappy too. I understand the second category why they might be unhappy, because it could get so uncomfortable to buy a shirt specially button up shirt and having to holes because of the boobs, and then someone throws a suggestion that “buy a bigger size.” I agree that extreme things drag unwanted attention that will make the person seem different either way with both big and small boobs. I personally don’t really watch porn, but do see how women portrayed with big breasts and of course we all know why. Anyhow, I guess the style of t shirt would make a difference, if the lady doesn’t want to go through surgeries.

  29. Cathy Ancheta

    No matter what, girls are going to get teased about their body. On the subject of bigger breasts, I think that boys feel intimidated by girls who have them. I mean that boy who stayed an arm’s length away from his date at the dance just because he thought she was experienced shows that he felt intimidated. It’s sad to see that bigger breasts have such negative connotations attached to them by the media and society. Breasts are such a powerful sexual symbol on their own that when women who have them are more often seen for their breasts and not their entire self. Also since they are so powerfully sexual, they are often associated with a loss of innocence, which is probably why men think they can say sexual things to women with bigger breasts. When I was in high school, immature boys would say such sexually explicit things to my two friends who had bigger breasts. Even male teachers couldn’t help but stare.

  30. …Similarly, guys ( girls too)often pass remarks to those who have small boobs…
    My cousin had a really skinny look even in her late teens..she used to curse herself for having small boobs.

  31. It’s funny – when I was nursing and felt like I had literal melons on my chest (filled with liquid and everything) I felt immodest just by maintaining good posture. I’m not nursing anymore but I still am rather endowed up top, so here’s what helps me:

    – Good, supportive bras. Sometimes you don’t know for sure until you get them home from the store and wear them for a week, so this is an expensive process, unfortunately.
    – Pilates for core strength (abs AND back). Good posture will feel more natural.

Thoughts? (Comments will appear after moderation)