“A Charlie Brown Christmas,” Shrink Wrapped

Snoopy and Charlie Brown

Snoopy and Charlie Brown

“A Charlie Brown Christmas” is celebrating its 50th anniversary.

BroadBlogs is a psychological site and the Peanuts characters reveal facets of our own psychologies. So let’s play shrink:

Charlie Brown 

We might think we are alone in our insecurities, anxieties and depression. But Charlie Brown reveals that we have plenty of company. And that can be comforting as we open empty mailboxes — or worse: the little red-haired girl or boy doesn’t like us back.

Yet loneliness can hold lessons. It may teach that we get what we give. Or, rejection sparks empathy and compassion — even for sparse Christmas trees that “bloom” with a little love and nurturing.


Charlie Brown’s best friend, Linus, may have his own insecurities. But he is willing to reach out for support via his trusty blanket.

Linus and Lucy

Linus and Lucy

Kids may mock him, but they don’t beat him. Linus whips out his blanket, hacks off a tree limb, and exclaims, “They never tease me more than once.”

Linus is the deep philosopher and theologian who knows the true meaning of things. He joins Charlie Brown’s search for empathy and compassion.


Lucy most famously pulls a football from Charlie Brown — just as he’s about to kick it — landing him on flat on his humiliated back.

But Lucy holds her own insecurities. After all, bullies project their shame onto others. Maybe they hope that by destroying you they will destroy their transferred shame, too.

But every now and then she loosens up and deems the Charlie Brown’s of the world “Director.” So maybe there’s hope.

Peppermint Patty and Marcie

Peppermint Patty and Marcie

Peppermint Patty and Marcie

Peppermint Patty and Marcie are two friends, and two faces of strong women. In fact, Peppermint Patty was created to counter gender norms.

And they are the only two “Peanuts” girls who don’t wear dresses.

Peppermint Patty is strong in body and will, and the sports star of the bunch.

Marcie is the brains of the bunch — and the voice of reason who advises Patty against pitching a fit over a failed holiday dinner that she had invited herself to — and pressured Charlie Brown to prepare.

And while Charlie Brown spends plenty of time thinking no one loves him, both Marcie and Peppermint Patty sport major crushes.

Snoopy's joie de vivre

Snoopy’s joie de vivre


Snoopy, the novelist/adventurer, eternally pens his famous line, “It was a dark and stormy night…” Charles Schultz says the dog retreats into fantasy in order to survive.

I guess it works for him. Since his alter ego is Joe Cool.

But mostly, I love Snoopy’s joy, play and love of life!

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About BroadBlogs

I have a Ph.D. from UCLA in sociology (emphasis: gender, social psych). I currently teach sociology and women's studies at Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, CA. I have also lectured at San Jose State. And I have blogged for Feminispire, Ms. Magazine, The Good Men Project and Daily Kos. Also been picked up by The Alternet.

Posted on December 17, 2014, in psychology and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 42 Comments.

  1. Huge topic like abortion brought up and powerful lyrics like this “Mary got pregnant from a kid named Tom that said he was in love
    He said, “Don’t worry about a thing, baby doll
    I’m the man you’ve been dreaming of”
    But 3 months later, he say he won’t date her or return her calls”

    “And then she heads for the clinic
    And she gets some static walking through the door
    They call her a killer, and they call her a sinner
    And they call her a whore
    God forbid, you ever had to walk a mile in her shoes
    ‘Cause then you really might know what it’s like to have to choose”

    And I just like this part, with just how it shows the irony of life, ups and downs, twists and turns from the best times to the toughest and everybody can go through them all or gone through trials no matter their walk in life. These lines I’m talking about,with life experiences

    “I’ve seen a rich man beg, I’ve seen a good man sin
    I’ve seen a tough man cry, I’ve seen a loser win
    And a sad man grin, I heard an honest man lie
    I’ve seen the good side of bad and the downside of up
    And everything between

    I licked the silver spoon, drank from the golden cup
    And smoked the finest green
    I stroked the fattest dimes at least a couple of times
    Before I broke their heart
    You know where it ends, yo, it usually depends on where you start”

  2. I like how the music video shows at the end the “privileged family” laughing and enjoying themselves and I like the symbolism of it. They’re “blindness” as the family can’t see the people outside of their room, but the people can see the family from the outside. To me it shows the privileged or shows or symbolizes the ignorance, like “blindness” to things outside of themselves and that room symbolized the “bubble” from the outside hardships or world problems. The people judging others, yet blindly judging them as they don’t know or don’t care to know what the other has gone through or going through, as the judgemental people like the family at the end, go throw life in their own little “bubble”

  3. That melody and cool guitar rift, especially to start off the song is so catchy and smoothe and then his voice with the lyrics. It just goes really well to a meaningful and great sounding song.

  4. Speaking of good songs and meaningful ones. I know if you ever heard of Everlast, the man kind of became a one hit wonder. But he had a big hit song in the late 90s and the song is called “What it’s like”. It’s not complex or deep, but I love the message. I like song’s that make you think and important things or meaning than stupid superficial things you hear in a lot of pop music these days. This is not pop so that might be why it had more to it. Here’s the song. I like the music video too, and the meaning from the visuals or metaphors.

  5. Sorry for the sudden flurry of responses to older posts! I haven’t had much time for blog-surfing this month.

    I just wanted to add that your post here reminds me of an old Art Buchwald column deconstructing the Peanuts characters as players in NATO. Good ol’ Charlie Brown, the USA, was trying to keep his softball team going but everybody blamed him for their problems and expected him to fix everything. Linus (England) sat clutching a security blanket labeled “Made in the USA”, while belligerent Lucy (France) kept telling Charlie Brown how stupid he is. Schroeder was Germany, of course, representing the intellectual, and Snoopy was Italy, interested only in serving his own pleasure.

    Or something like that. I last read it when I was maybe 12 years old, and that was MANY decades ago.

  6. “So I mentioned that Warren Buffett says life is better when you have money then when you don’t. But Oprah Winfrey also says that she thinks money just exaggerates who you are. A lot of people can have a lot of money and be pretty miserable to themselves and to others.

    It seems like what you describe is about ego and I think that ego can be both superficial and unfulfilling.

    This is a fascinating post:”

    It can be superficial and like I wrote and I think you saw, how I’m aware and acknowledge how trying to satisfy ego is unfulfilling. That’s why there’s that conflict for me, wanting to satisfy ego, but knowing after all the struggle, it might not be as satisfying as initially thought. Like a person hell bent on climbing the highest mt that no ones has ever climbed, because of that very fact. Spends all that time and finally does it, but while proud and accomplished, the feeling wasn’t as fulfilling as they thought or fleeing. And now the person is thining “what’s next” and it leads to a constant chase and stress of doing more and accomplishing more, because the ego gets bored and needs more stroking and to feed it more.

    So more internal pressure to accomplish more and it never ends. I don’t think I’d get like that, but it can come. But that’s why I found the harmony or atleast to me and that is going both directions and doing something to help people, because I actually am a compassionate person and something for me ego. So I won’t feel empty as I’ll be doing something important, yet can feel proud from the the doing good as well as proud ego wise from talent accomplishment.

    But the question then becomes, isn’t it kind of innate for humans to strive to be “special” or do something special compared to others?This doesn’t seem to be a unique desire and pretty common, it’s just that many or most people don’t have the ability or drive to do something special. We talk about conditioning, maybe it;s conditioning, but it seems innate too, because since the dawn of mankind. Man has seemed to love to strive for victory over others, conquer, be powerful and just be above and better than others. This has led to corruption and problems unfortunately for the wrong men who are led too much by their egos that they don’t care about people they rule over and just themselves.

    But then it could be personality too. I don’t know why I am and some people are more likely to care about that stuff. Some people more predisposed to care about such stuff? Why are more people more ego driven and proud than others too? Some can be from nurture, but some just seems to be nature too. It’s interesting, how some can be or always born to be ego driven.

    • While there are personality differences, I do think it’s human nature to want to be special. I just don’t think that it’s ultimately fulfilling given how often it doesn’t work among celebrities, the rich, etc. I struggle with my own ego. In fact, every morning I do a little ritual and part of my mantra includes reminding myself too, “Love people, not ego.”

      So I have been on a search for what creates true happiness. Serving others in a way that fits your personality seems to be key.

  7. “For sure being rich can make life easier, I’ll give you that. Warren Buffett is one of the richest men in the world and he still lives in the same house he lived in when he started his business (And he’s a great philanthropist, too). But he says that being rich beats being poor.

    That said, I always try to think about what can be learned through struggle. How can I be enriched by my experience — whatever it is? Maybe it can help me to become more compassionate to others who are struggling. Maybe I can join the fight to make the world better…”

    Can’t you be rich and still do great causes or things to make the world better? You’d actually have a bigger platform and better opportunity to help many people if you have the money and status to do so. And well, yes I don’t mean just getting rich over night, of course it’s more rewarding to make it big after struggling. The greatest rewards are the one’s that are hardest to achieve and take work. It’s always more rewarding to earn you’re success and accomplishment and for it to not be easy. I’ve already gone through plenty of struggles, so I have learned and know what adversity is like. That is why, I’m a sensitive and compassionate person, though also a proud person too. But that’s why I have strong empathy and can put myself in other people’s shoes better, because of what I’ve gone through. I don’t like bullying, because I was bullied in middle school, so I can relate to people who have been bullied as well.

    • Of course you can be successful and rich and do great things. Many do. But it doesn’t seem to be the success and wealth that makes people happy, it seems to be making a difference in others’ lives that makes people happy.

  8. “Simon might of been young, however he shows great understanding about the world around him. Some comment believes that Simon was incapable to write something that would have such a great depth to it because of his age. I come across people who were only 14 years old yet had more depth about life then a 60 years old man. It is not the age, it is what life offered to you which gives you depth, understanding and sympathy toward others. For example if you were bullied at school or had troubles at home, you are under racism, it will cause pain but at the same time it will give you greater understanding about the world. I suspect Simon might of been through some hard time which made him not only an artist but an enlightened person.

    The meaning of the lyrics is about darkness, representing ignorance,
    silence representing people are not allowed to express their opinion.
    “people talking without speaking” meaning they just talk, without any meaning…
    “people hearing without listening” people hearing but do not understand.
    “When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of neon light” is advertising and advertising equals money. Therefore, he is talking about wealth.
    “and people bowed and prayed, To the neon god they made” worshiping money and wealth, and wealth become the prophet even in the subway walls where advertising is shown.

    Hello darkness my old friend.. we are living in a shallow world in darkness, enslaved by wealth.”

  9. Speaking of lyrics. Something reminded me of a song I haven’t heard in awhile that I love and is probably one of the first songs I’ve looked up their lyrical meaning to. The reason being is because the lyrics I always thought were quite interesting, yet I wasn’t sure exactly what they meant or the story or meaning behind the song from the artists. The song I’m talking about and I know you’ve had to have heard this old song is the “Sounds of Silence” by Simon and Garfunkel. I love that song, the melody, especially beginning is so iconic.

    Sounds of silence is such a deep, poetic-like song. There’s a lot of garbage music nowadays, I love music that not only has a good melody, but great, intelligent lyrics like sounds of silence. I like to see different interpretations or spins to a meaning of the lyrics or song. I found this person’s view interesting that I’ll quote, as it’s references of the person feels the singer relates this to a great philospher, Plato. Here’s the quote.

    “I interpret this song slightly different.

    I feel it is an allusion to Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave.” While the ideas of commercialism (the people bow and pray to a neon god they made, the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls, etc) run throughout the poem, it also has to do with a frustration the narrator feels with humans in general. They are content to “hear without listening,” not willing or interested in focusing on anyone or anything too intently. They are not willing to go beyond the superficial, but merely to accept the world around them, as no one “dares disturb the sounds of silence.”

    The allusion comes into play in the beginning, as the narrator has a revelation, a vision, that awakes him from this superficial, merely shadowed world. He rises, walks alone as the man in Plato’s story did, and he sees the light. He tries to tempt others out of the cave of ignorance and look beyond teh surface of things, but his “words like silent raindrops” fall. His attempts are futile.

    That’s what I got out of the song, my two cents ^_^ An amazing song no matter how you interpret it!”

  10. “One reason I like Don Henley’s lyrics is how he questions materialism. I think that what makes a person great is not how much business success they have, or how much money they have, but how well they love, give, have compassion. ”

    It’s true that a persons is a great person with how much they give, love and have compassion. The impact on people’s lives you have is more meaningful. To me, it’s tough though, I want to have my cake and eat it too. The ideal situation is to be giving and do meaningful things but also be highly successful, wealthy and talented as well. So you get satisfaction from both sides.

    The purpose, giving, heartfelt side with making an impact on people, and satisfying the pride part of being “special” compared to others, and not like the rest, which seems boring. It’s tough to be satisfied in only the way henley says, as it truly takes a very humble person to be happy only being that. It’s hard for me to feel strongly about just being great in that sense, not because it’s not important, because it is. But because while there aren’t always people so caring and giving to be great in that way. Anybody, however, can be great in that way. There is not a special skill or talent needed, just effort and compassion. Therefore, part of the turnoff to me. Now outdoing others and succeeding based on talent and rare skill, competitively and recognized feels “unique” therefore more desired and can be more proud of. The reason being, because not everyone can do it, only special skilled people. I don’t know if it’s society or conditioning, or human nature, but I think many would love to be in an “elite” club for that very reason. Mediocrity is boring

    • Well, maybe the whole struggle can be a growing experience. Where does mediocrity matter and where doesn’t it, For instance? Why is being rich or successful and important? I’d love to have you give it some thought and then hear your thoughts on some of this.

      • I will explain my thoughts and share them with you, but not now. I’ll get back after christmas. And on that topic, have a merry christmas.

      • Okay. Merry Christmas!

      • Well being rich isn’t really important, and it’s true, money doesn’t equal happiness. It means that in the sense, family and other things matter more and there are things in life that a priceless and money can’t replace loss of the true important things in life. However, being rich sure makes life easier and can help with happiness.not really for material things, but life easier. I’m not much of a spender and having nice cars and fancy things really aren’t important to me. But what being rich, filthy rich would do is allow for your life to be easier. If you won the lotto would you not quit your job? Most people would. It’s great that people are working and it forces people to be productive and make the world go around, so I get that. But we are kind of slaves to $. Being rich means you are free or don’t have financial burdens like most people. And you can choose to work or go to work. Most people have to get up and grind it out every week and many at jobs they don’t really like or even jobs and careers they aspired for. Most aren’t what people truly enjoy, not to mention having a boss and some being jerks and someone in charge of you. Being rich, means you don’t have someone in charge of you, you make your life decisions and do what you want. That rare freedom that most people don’t have.

        It doesn’t mean being unproductive or lazy. If I was rich, I’d still work or atleast be involved with more charitable things and keep busy, but it would be great because now I’d be working and productive because I choose to. And not have to, and being free to do what you want. That’s a pipe dream to most people. And even if you are a manager that’s not always good either. As most managers have someone higher up they have to listen to and keep the company up to par. While in charge, there is more stress, responsibility and pressure. Some are fine, but some don’t like it and the extra money isn’t worth the tons of stress.

      • For sure being rich can make life easier, I’ll give you that. Warren Buffett is one of the richest men in the world and he still lives in the same house he lived in when he started his business (And he’s a great philanthropist, too). But he says that being rich beats being poor.

        That said, I always try to think about what can be learned through struggle. How can I be enriched by my experience — whatever it is? Maybe it can help me to become more compassionate to others who are struggling. Maybe I can join the fight to make the world better…

      • And the successful part. Well, successful isn’t important in the sense of talent based, that stands out from the rest. It’s important, because it gives that zest to life. Obviously life is good without it, but success in this way, satisfies that feeling of something more, “different” or unique. I guess it’s hard for people maybe like you to understand who aren’t that competitive or proud. But for people who are proud like me and an ego. It gives that excitement and “pride rush” for such competitive, unique accomplishments or having talents admire that not many have or better than others with. It takes away from the mundande. Being average and like everyone else, seems boring. It’s like eatint pbj everyday. When I think of people and life, it makes me think of a conveyor belt with the same things, keep going throuhg the belt. It makes me think of a impersonal code number on people, and each person having a different code, but not unique identity separate from each other. All like ants, work, kids, etc, differeant jobs, but nothing really “special” from another. And it sucks too, because there are so many jobs that are important.

        So the jobs are meaningful, but not “unique”. A good combination to me is someone who is a nurse, or doctor or firefighter, cop who also a very successful, talented lead singer in an awesome band and doing well $wise from it. Or a successful multi millionaire entrepenuer who also does health care help on the side or maybe invents something to help disabled people. So using his or her talented brilliant to set themselves from others, but also meaningful at the same time. The Music talent is more shallow it seems and pride related, but its ok, because the same person is a nurse doing something meaninful. But they are also not just a nurse, and have a singing talent that stands out from the crowd. So two in one. Meaningful and pride both satisfied in one. That’s the ideal scenario to me

      • So I mentioned that Warren Buffett says life is better when you have money then when you don’t. But Oprah Winfrey also says that she thinks money just exaggerates who you are. A lot of people can have a lot of money and be pretty miserable to themselves and to others.

        It seems like what you describe is about ego and I think that ego can be both superficial and unfulfilling.

        This is a fascinating post:

  11. Did you listen to the song, does it sounds familiar or you never heard it before. It was very popular back in 2005 or whenever it came out. It was on the radio a lot but just about every popular tv show or tv series would use the song to their trailers and previews.

    “I am hiding from some beast
    but the beast was always here
    watching without eyes
    because the beast is just my fear
    That I am just nothing
    now its just what I’ve become
    what am i waiting for
    its already done””

    I love the lyrics because they are deep, and many people can relate to them, but they are also written in a way that a person can individually relate to it. So many people say, take chances, don’t fear failure. But yet most people don’t. Sure some people see themselves as taking the chances to become moderately successful, but how many people try to become entrepenuers? Or ones that have a smaller business, and stay at that or give up after the first times it doesn’t work. It’s tough, because so much money and effort that has to be given up to be successful and sometimes it comes to luck too. Or trying to develop something, everybody says they have this idea and that idea, but the difference of that person that is making millions from something simple such as “snuggies” is they went and did it and applied themselves. It’s amazing because some big sellers are not high tech, that require a very high IQ, but something like the snuggy, thats basically a blanket cut out for arms to go through and a hoody part.

    It seems most or many have given up on doing something big or that it’s unrealistc and maybe thats true. But it’s hard for me and I’m sure others to not want more and feeling stuck in not knowing how to get there. I’d rather try for a big dream, than never do so and see that as unattainable, which many people do and they stay in their regular jobs, decent career, but not more.

    • Somehow I missed this song. But it’s a good one. One reason I like Don Henley’s lyrics is how he questions materialism. I think that what makes a person great is not how much business success they have, or how much money they have, but how well they love, give, have compassion. When you live in a culture that values how much money you have accumulated, it can be easy to get sidetracked by that. Thanks for sharing the song. It seems very cathartic.

  12. “I am hiding from some beast
    but the beast was always here
    watching without eyes
    because the beast is just my fear
    That I am just nothing
    now its just what I’ve become
    what am i waiting for
    its already done””

    My least favorite verse. He didn’t need to tell us the beast was his fear – there was enough there to figure it out.

    The point here is, as I mentioned before, his own fear of things falling apart has become the force that is holding him in place. He wants nothing more in the world than to find some other state of being that he can live with, but HE is the one preventing him from making that discovery. And he’s proven to himself again and again that there’s not a damned thing he can do about it by now; if he hasn’t made a move and shaken things up by now, there’s clearly nothing short of something directly forcing his hand (that this that shakes the boards and rattles the doors) that will cause him to.

    “I am hiding from some beast but the beast was always here”

    Acknowledgement of the paradox described above: The beast is what is causing him to hide, but wherever he hides, there is the beast.

    “the beast is just my fear that I am nothing. Now it’s just what I’ve become.”

    Although he was finally able to get out his thoughts, he realizes that it’s already too late. He’s the victim of his own self-fulfilling prophecy: his fear of his life becoming valueless has played a major role in causing it to become so. He is acknowledging that fearing that conlusion is a waste of time at this point, because he’s already arrived at that end.

    Now, despite the fact that he just seems to directly admit that his hopes no longer have any shot of being fulfilled, he ends the song with the chorus – one last request for that one thing. Perhaps this is simply because ending on the chorus worked, musically, for this particular song, but perhaps not. No way to know except straight from the horse’s mouth, I suppose. But I’ll suggest two other possibilities:

    1.) Despite telling even himself that it’s over, hope springs eternal, and he still has, somewhere, some tiny bit of fight left in him. He’ll keep on looking for that one thing to believe in until he’s got no means left of finding it.

    2.) Despite his stark honestly with himself, and his ability to eloquently express the speicifcs of the situation that the rest of us don’t even realize we are in, he’s still no farther along than us. At the end of the day, he can tell himself all he wants that something’s got to change, but he’s living proof that none of us – not a one – can transcend this human condition. That we’re all just…

    “Waiting for our ship to come. But our ship’s not coming back.”

    • “His own fear of things falling apart has become the force that is holding him in place. He wants nothing more in the world than to find some other state of being that he can live with, but HE is the one preventing him from making that discovery.”

      That’s really good stuff. Funny that I brought up the Eagles. They have a line that says:

      “So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains and we never even know we have the key”

      That’s a line I’ve often looked to when I have felt powerless. They say people often don’t realize how powerful they are, or can be.

  13. so give me something to believe
    cause I am living just to breath
    and i need something more
    to keep on breathing for
    so give me something to believe

    That something could be the disaster that will knock him from his place of bare subsistance. The incident that will force him to change his path, since in his current state of drastic underachievement he doesn’t have very many resources to deal with disaster. This distructive event is always just on the horizon as well. and he continually narrowly avoids it (or he wouldn’t be here singing this), but he can’t help but feel, at all times, that he’s just one bit of bad luck away from everything falling apart. Shaking the boards and rattling the doors concurs images that go very well in line with this.

    (The possiblity that part of him is hoping for this disasterous thing to happen should be noted. He is so dissatisfied with his current state, that perhaps being knocked onto ANY other course would be more desirable than remaining “rooted” where he is.)

    • On a number of occasions something bad has happened that turned out to actually be good — whether you unconsciously wanted it to happen or not. Reminds me of this. And I think it’s a good way to look at things that knock you off course.

  14. Ok well I’m going to post the music as you might know the song, just not recognize the name of the band and song title. There are some songs I know the sound to, but not the band’s name or song title to. This is like a one hit wonder band, which is why many would know the song, but not recognize who it’s from. Here’s the song first

  15. I love the psychological perspective of things. Do get into philosophy, or psychology deeper thoughts as well as the human condition? I do, and I realized how music like everyone else. Some songs don;’t have to have much meaning and just good to listen to, while there are some songs, that I like but notice the and appreciate well written songs, with deeper meanings. Not some redundant “Cheated on me” relationship, love, gf/bf songs that you hear all the time on the radio. I like when a song is a bit deeper, but not exactly direct, as the way it’s written has poetic substance where someone has to think through the words for their meaning. Some song writers though they have their reason for the song and meaning behind it, some write their songs open ended for the purpose of the song to be interpreted different ways by the listener and by their own perception. PLaying music myself and all this, I like looking up the lyrical meanings or see others comments of their thoughts of the meaning of the lyrics of some songs that seem to have an interesting meaning or to find out from the artists or what others think. One song, that kind of got way overplayed back in 2005 or 2006 I think, but is a good song and I like the lyrics as they can go different ways but are deep and I and many others related to with the human condition.

    You ever hear the song called “Believe” by The Bravery?. I’ll post and talk about some of the lyrics to the song and meaning. Some feel it;s the singer going in the spiritual direction and if there is more to life. Others think it’s about alcohol addiction and struggle. I look at it more specifically, which I’ll write in the next post with some of the lyrics pasted.

    • I don’t think I have heard that song, So you will have to Post the lyrics.

      I enjoy good lyrics too. The group that strikes me most is the Eagles because I hated their music but I like Don Henley’s lyrics. To get to his lyrics I had to sit through the music — and learned to kind of like it after a while.

  16. Okay this is a new way for me to view the Peanuts! I hadn’t realize there were only two gals who didn’t wear dresses! Peppermint Patty rocks, hands down 🙂

  17. Interesting to view these lovely characters from a psychological perspective. Through a child’s eyes, obvious, all this can be easy to miss. Lovely to know that cartoon characters are like people, too. I actually forgot the Charlie Brown got crushed on as well. Isn’t that human.. we sometimes don’t realize how much we are loved even when their staring us right in the face.

  18. A lovely post which reveals quite a few aspects of most people me including. 🙂
    Thanks and regards.

  19. Thanks for the above… I will never see ‘Charle Brown’ the same way again…

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